Pitt Town Public students wear their uniform with pride. Uniforms can be purchased from Lowes at Rouse Hill Town Centre or from Brynorms, Windsor Street, Richmond.
A second hand uniform shop is open Tuesday 8:20am- 8:45am at the old library.
Uniform policy
The uniform policy was established by the school and the school community and is discussed on a regular basis at our parents and citizens' association (P&C) meetings.
- Necklaces, bangles, or any other pieces of jewellery are not to be worn. Studs or sleepers are permissible in your child's ear. Any earrings that dangle or are decorative are not permitted.
- Rub on tattoos are not permitted as this is not part of the school's uniform.
- Nail polish is not permitted. Clear gloss is acceptable.
- Any lipstick or eye shadow is also against the school's uniform policy.
- Any long hair should be securely tied back or in ponytails. This is not only for safety but to minimise the risk of nits.
- Ribbons, hair bands and headbands are to be in school colours and at a reasonable size.
Lost property
Lost property is kept in the blue lost property container. Please ensure all clothing items are labelled with your child's name. Every attempt is made to return lost property to the owner.
If your child loses an item of clothing please encourage them to look through the lost property container. The container is located outside the art storeroom near the bathrooms.